September 21 2021

MW086 | Forget Short Term Demand, Think Long Term Brand

In the market of B2B, focus on demand generation and sales initiatives can provide a surge in short-term sales for buyers in-market, but what about 95% of your target market currently out of the market? Can building your brand deliver long-term growth, influence your decision-makers and repeated exposure of your brand? In this digital masterclass, our brand experts discuss: • When to rethink your funnel and sales objectives • Why and when creative generates a competitive advantage for B2B brands • How to maximise your reach mostly against out-of-market buyers, not in-market buyers • What to do to ensure you’re first to mind when a buyers moves into the market Podcast above not working? Click to listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

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MW170 | The Importance of Creative in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

In this episode of the Mediaworks Masterclass, our experts take a look at how marketers can balance cutting-edge AI technologies with the need for authentic, human-centred campaigns that resonate deeply with audience.
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Join Mediaworks' Paid Search & Shopping Consultant, Amy Cockburn, to uncover how pay-per-click advertising can drive increased traffic to your site through keyword and audience bidding.