November 16 2021

MW094 | Connect and Convert. Avoid E-Commerce Payment Declines and Supercharge Your Conversions

Black Friday 2021 is set to dominate the online retail calendar once again. Last year, digital acceleration brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic saw global ecommerce sales grow by 28% year on year. As the world shifted to online retail, so did the volume of declined payments impacting e-tailers bottom line. We welcome expert panellists from Signifyd, the world’s largest provider of guaranteed fraud protection, to discuss innovative methods of conducting payments. We cover: • How e-tailers can boost Black Friday revenues by avoiding payment platform declines • What post-Brexit payment strategies marketers should implement when expanding into new regions • Why UK marketers should be aware of impending payment legislation changes in 2022 Podcast above not working? Click to listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify

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