July 26 2022

MW122 | Creating Digital Experiences That Are Accessible and Inclusive

We all have different needs unique to each of us - some are auditory, cognitive, psychological, medical, or a mix of them. But we’re all equal in our right to use and understand products online. When creating digital experiences, your job is to solve a users problem, and by not factoring in accessibility & inclusivity you are potentially missing the mark. Walking you through some common questions surrounding accessibility, Mediaworks and MWi can provide actionable tips on how to make your products more accessible to a wider audience.

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Mini Masterclass | Mastering PPC and Emerging Trends

Join Mediaworks' Paid Search & Shopping Consultant, Amy Cockburn, to uncover how pay-per-click advertising can drive increased traffic to your site through keyword and audience bidding.
July 23 2024

MW169 | The PPC Playbook: Mastering Trends and Overcoming Obstacles

Discover how automation and AI are revolutionising bid management and campaign optimisation, enabling marketers to achieve superior performance and efficiency.